Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today Michelle and I have been married for 18 years. That is so hard to believe.

Before we began dating, a buddy of mine named Tom was looking for a girlfriend. He and I had started attending a Bible study and I had gotten to know Michelle some and we had actually become prayer partners. At the time, she had her eyes on some guy named Bill. Nevertheless, I told Tom that he ought to ask Michelle out. "Why?" he asked. "Because she will make someone a good wife some day" I answered.

Little did I know that I would be the lucky guy that would have the privilege of having her as my wife.

It was not long after that conversation with Tom that it occurred to me ("duh!") to ask Michelle out myself. Within two months of our first date, I asked her to marry me. Six months after that she became my bride.

We had no idea what the future would bring. If you would have told us the journey we would embark on we would have thought you were crazy. It has not been an easy road. There have been many tears but also a lot of laughs along the way.

All I know is that there is no one that I would rather have had by my side and no one better equipped to be my "help mate." God's grace is sufficient, but I believe that, if it were not for Michelle, there is no way that I could have survived the last 11 years of ministry. No way. She has been a constant source of encouragement and support. When I decided to quit (more than once!) she told me to carry on- and reminded me that God is faithful.

God brought us together because He knew that we would be the best team to accomplish the tasks that He had planned for us before the foundation of the world. And who knows what plans He has made for our future? Who knows what the years ahead will bring? If you could travel forward in time and tell me what lies ahead, I probably wouldn't believe you.

All I know is that I there is no one that I would rather have by my side than my bride.

Michelle I love you. You are beautiful. You are my support. Thank you.
Happy Anniversary.


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