Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What are the greater implications?

I was sent the following video with the question: "What are the greater implications?" I'd be curious to hear what you think. My answer below.

Some brief thoughts:

As our demographics change, my question is, have we prepared Christians well enough doctrinally that they will persevere in the face of persecution when America is no longer a "Christian nation"? It sounds like a repeat of what was happening in Rome is around the corner and Paul and the writer to the Hebrews (one in the same?) were exhorting them to stay firm in their faith and admonishing them "you ought to be teaching but you are still on milk!"

What will happen to the believers today who are attending the First Baptist Tickle Your Ears Church that is large in number but shallow in teaching?

I shudder to think.

Maybe we ought to be rethinking what our goals in discipleship are. We tend to think of them simply as "growth in Christ" and being "ready in season and out of season" when in the work place or in school, etc.

Maybe we ought to be thinking more along the lines of equipping people in the Word with the goal of helping them to hold securely to their faith even when their lives may be threatened because of it.

That is a whole different paradigm than what we are doing now but it seems like that shift may need to be made in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shelly's father sent that clip to me a few months ago. If the numbers are correct, it's very interesting how populations could change. There's something about that video I don't like, but I can't explain it. It's almost like it is trying to hype up fear against muslims and that bothers me. If you think about it more, a certain percentage of christian born babies will choose not to be christians and a certain percentage of muslim born babies will grow up and choose not to be muslim. I guess God's got it all figured out ultimately, so I not really sure if I need to worry about the big picture. I think how God wants to use me in my little world is a bigger deal. Anyway, it's an interesting clip if the information is correct. Very pretty too. I wonder who made it?
